Many of you have likely heard me speak of this concept in the past…. So I thought that I would round off the year with a little reminder.
As we near the end of a year that started with COVID-19 lockdowns, and ends with hope that we are rounding the bend toward a hopefully more ‘normal’ business year ahead, my attention is focused on how I can best support entrepreneurs and managers into 2023. The answer lies in the wisdom of the 7 Most Expensive Words In Business.
After travelling to speak at conferences from coast to coast this past fall, plus hosting the 2-day Peer To Peer Network Muskoka Summit – all of which were focused on ‘solving the staffing dilemma’, I’m absolutely sure that solving the workforce dilemma AND improving employee engagement is crucial to a successful 2023 across both the provinces, and all sectors. The solution isn’t easy. It requires a paradigm shift in thinking. Industry wide. Those who know me, have heard me talk about this for several years now. I’ve seen it coming, and I’m frustrated by the resistance to change from literally hundreds of business owners and managers I’ve engaged on the topic this year.
I’m going to give the following example for the Landscape Profession – as over 90% of my readers are in some way related to that industry. Listen up. I truly believe that we are in all poised on the cusp of a moment in our profession that’s unprecedented in many ways:
1. We have momentum of consumer engagement in the value of the plants and landscapes we create and manage – like never before. A positive legacy from COVID-19.
2. We have momentum also in credibility for our contractors – with whom millions of homeowners across the country have engaged like never before through COVID-19.
3. We are finally positioned to ride upward trends on pricing – where every customer will totally understand that our costs have soared exponentially along with everything else around them. Inflation out of control. Now is our moment to raise prices so that we can properly pay our staff.
4. Despite increases in interest rates, and increase in travel, consumers (primarily residential) are still showing more interest in ‘when’ than in ‘how much’. If you have it, they’ll buy it. If you can meet their timeline on a project, most prefer that to bickering on price.
5. Government subsidies and funding for Apprenticeship training have never been higher for supporting the costs of training your willing employees.
6. The GROW Program is unprecedented in preparing new employees for you , and for training budding supervisors – all for FREE.
7. There is public awareness of climate change, carbon emission targets, flood mitigation, pollinator threats, habitat loss among many other issues that is unprecedented, and ripe to leverage our contribution to solving each of these issues and more.
8. There is also a generation called Gen Z (under 28) who are willing to show up engaged, aligned, interested and growth oriented – if you make the effort to shift your thinking and adapt to meet them where they are starting from, and be the life coach they need to succeed.
I know that the biggest stretch for most owner/manager is to trust in that last bullet point. I’ve personally witnessed it Coast to Coast in Canada yet again this year. I know for sure that if your company has a staffing dilemma, then it’s more the fault of your approach to attracting hiring and retention than anything else.
In order for our Profession’s business owners to leverage this moment to it’s highest potential it will require avoiding the 7 most expensive words in business: “Because We’ve Always Done It This Way”.
Short staffed? It’s not necessary to stay stuck there. You do have options. Those employers who ‘get it’, aren’t short staffed – so I’m not making this up. FYI, Gen Z represents 29% of Canadians between the ages of 15 – 65. And they’re showing up with a different life skills tool box than what you need them to have (because you may have had stronger life skills ‘at their age’), when they come onboard with your business.
The bottom line? 2023 is your chance to up-level your business – despite any downward economic pressures you might need to navigate and despite your 2022 ‘we can’t find good staff’ mantra. Carpe Diem. Seize the Day. 2023 is going to be ‘Our Day’ in the history of our profession. We will rise to the top. We have hope like never before. We will be proud like never before. I can feel it. I can see it. Go out there and be the best you can be, showing up as leaders who inspire, protect and grow our next generation like never before. You’ve got this. If you want to.
Carpe Diem.