There is one important area of business planning the majority of business owners either ignore or are ‘too busy’ to put on their radar…. Until it’s almost too late: The Exit Strategy.
Over the years, I’ve met many small business owners who work very hard year after year in their business, making the common assumption that when they are ready to either retire or ‘sell’ the business, that they will have built up a valuable company, and can make an easy return on their time and hard work invested.
The reality is, it’s just not that simple. Selling a business is not at all like selling a house. There can be deep layers to the way in which businesses are valued. And there are simple ways. It depends on who is buying, who is selling, the ‘urgency’, the structure of the business, the current market, the assets and liabilities, retained earnings, profitability, and at times, who stays in the business through a transition, who will leave, and how quickly the owner expects to exit.
Of the entrepreneurial business transactions and offers to purchase I’ve been aware of and assisted with, the only thing that’s predictable, and that is no one ‘golden formula’, and every transaction is different.
I’ve seen large companies move in on small vulnerable service operators who are struggling, offer to cut a cheque for 15% of gross sales, and tell the owner to keep the used equipment and trucks, dispose of them at will and keep the cash. I’ve seen others who purchase a business just to get the strategically located ‘yard’ at a discount – because the owner can’t manage the debt load of payments etc, and is in need of a quick bail out, and possibly, a ‘raise’ and a secure salary by staying on to manage for a new owner. Those are the deals where the seller typically wins in the short term, and the purchaser wins in the long run.
At the opposite end of the scale, I’ve seen very well run businesses, with solid financial track records, real estate assets and low debt ratios to negotiate excellent returns on their time invested and the soft value of their business, turning out to be a win-win for both parties. I’ve also seen quite a few in between.
When it comes to selling a business, it’s rare that someone will walk through your door, look around at the stuff, and make an offer as if they were buying your house …. Equally rare is to find a buyer prepared to cut you a cheque for payment in full within days, weeks or months of you deciding to sell your company. Selling businesses can take months to negotiate and years to transpire. Payment schedules and methods to fund succession vary greatly…. And can take years to transpire until the new owner has full control and the exiting owner has payment in full.
The point I’m working on making here, is that if you own a business, and at some point in the future, you plan to move on, retire, or perhaps take on a partner, you need to turn some attention to a long term strategy (3-5 years perhaps) to ‘prepare’ your business for sale in order to get the best possible return, and to prepare properly for the tax implications of the transaction.
The CRA (Canada Revenue Agency) has strict guidelines and rules for disposing of shares and assets in a business, as well as when capital gains exemptions can and can not be applied. It can be extremely complicated, or simple – depending on how your business is structured, and how the transaction is negotiated (i.e. a purchase of assets vs a purchase of shares for example), and with whom.
For those business owners with family members in line to succeed the founder or parent/relative in the business, there are also the broad stroke considerations which include who is right fit for which roles, what the business needs, and whether or not the succeeding generation has the necessary skills, temperament and passion to successfully carry on the torch. Many businesses fail in their second generation, even more in their third. Just because you’re related doesn’t mean that you’re qualified.
The ‘take away’ for you from reading this blog post is hopefully this: The time to start planning your exit strategy from business is yesterday.