Every now and then I take the opportunity to share one of my own ‘best practices’ from my 25-year experience as a landscape business owner. In the past I’ve shared my ‘November Files’ process with you a few times, and always to great feedback from readers. At the risk of sounding somewhat repetitive, I decided to print it here again, as we near the close of this unusual year.
And what a year it has been. Full of surprises – both good and bad – fraught with ‘new normals’ we’d have never imagined would be in our midst when most of us gathered at Congress last January.
Along with the weirdness of 2020, has emerged an amazing ‘we got this’ pulse amongst the business owners and LO Peer Network Members I talk with regularly. That which terrified us in April has us taking in stride today. And there are many things you’ve learned between then and now. It’s worth capturing.
As I write this, Ontario has had the highest case numbers of COVID-19 since the pandemic showed up here. It’s late October. A long winter ahead may continue to challenge and impact our new definition of ‘normal’, social bubble sizes and the ability to gather or the need to shelter in place.
So, what does that mean for your business? Your team? Your clients? Your best practices? Your cash flow? Your season ahead?
Now is the time of year when I used to sit down, and gather all of those thoughts and ideas I had throughout the season for making improvements or trying new ways of doing our work. When I owned Water’s Edge Landscaping, I used to have a ‘November’ File. It was a folder into which I chucked every scribbled down idea, post-it notes describing spontaneous strokes of brilliance, articles, book titles, brochures etc that came across my desk or my mind through the season, that I was too busy to deal with in the moment.
Each November, I’d set aside a half day to go through the November File, which was typically fairly thick, and note by note, page by page, I’d prioritize each ‘in the heat of the moment’ idea I had jotted down earlier in the year, and give it serious consideration. To me, November is the best month to debrief the season that just was, and set a course for identifying where to improve, what to stop doing, what to start doing and what not to change at all.
The reality is that winter flies by. Many of you are pushing hard to get to ‘the end’ of the seasons work before weather closes in. Some of you do snow/ice management – for which this is the change of the guard (and equipment) – the time to flick that switch to thinking about working nights instead of days, and working like crazy when it’s storming outside – instead of taking a ‘rain day’. No matter what though, in my opinion, it’s a crucial time of year to debrief, assess, plan and prepare to implement new training and changed processes. Every year in March, I hear many say ‘I just don’t know where the winter went… I wanted to put new things I in place and haven’t got it done yet’…..
What we all know for sure, is that we don’t know what spring 2021 will look like. And, that’s just going to have to be ok for now. And I know spring will come faster than we think it will from today’s vantage point.
Here’s something you can do no matter what spring brings: focus on what you can control…. How you can best prepare for either a COVID free or COVID restricted spring start?
I encourage you to take the time now to reflect and ask yourself:
We’re blessed to have businesses that change with the seasons. It gives us a chance to ‘reset’ and refresh. Please take a moment this month to count your blessings, and show gratitude to those people and events which contributed to a successful season, and to everyone’s safety.
It’s November. Already. Make the most of it!